
Showing posts from March, 2023

Food and Nutrition

  Food and Nutrition deals with the processing and preservation food as well as consumption of balanced diet by individual. Nutritional Science has its roots in life sciences; it encompasses both biological and social sciences. Nutrition plays a major role in enhancing the quality of life through improved physical growth, immune-competence and enhancing productivity with improved health.   Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to support its life. It provides organisms with nutrients, which can be metabolized to create energy and chemical structures. Failure to obtain sufficient nutrients causes malnutrition. Nutritional science is the study of nutrition, though it typically emphasizes human nutrition.  

Food Microbiology

  Food Microbiology studies the position of microorganisms in meals Moreover; some of the microorganisms represent a massive venture for public health due to their ability to cause diseases. Food maintenance aims at inactivating and dominant the boom of mortify microorganisms, making sure shelf-stable and healthful ingredients. Thus, continuous efforts among food industries, governments, and society are created to reinforce applied statistical sampling gear and microbiological approaches with the intention to catch the mechanisms that have a bearing at the fate of microorganisms in the ingredients used in daily meals.   Food Bioprocessing Food Spoilage Food Bio preservation